AGE: 23

BIRTHPLACE: Porto Alegre, Brasil

CURRENTLY RESIDING: Santa Monica, California

STANCE: Regular

SPONSORS: Bay St., Gatorade, FKD, Nixon Watches


"I have never skated a board with so much pop.
It's really helped elevate my skating."

Bay St.'s newest team rider is the Brazilian wunderkind who blasted onto the scene with consecutive Tampa Am wins and an unapologetically brilliant debut video part. With an advanced technicality matched with next-level consistency, Luan Oliveira’s ascension to the professional level proved a mere formality as his knack for linking NBDs in unbelievable lines had been turning heads ever since he stepped off the plane. Steadily proving himself a force on the international contest circuit with his recent Street League finals birth while simultaneously pushing the science of ledge and gap mathematics, Luan's ability remains without limitations as he continues to navigate uncharted territory.

b2 gnar ply

street deck

8.00in x 31.50in